
Cypht uses PHPUnit to run our unit tests, and Selenium for integration testing. I periodically update the HTML coverage report located here:


Currently our unit tests only cover the application framework (all the code under "lib/"), and the core module set, and our Selenium tests are still pretty basic. We make use of the following services that generously provide access to Open Source projects:

Travis CI


Travis CI is a really cool continuous integration service that we use to re-run our unit and UI tests every time a change is pushed to Github. Our Travis build is 18 combinations, 6 versions of PHP (5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2) with 3 different databases (Mysql, Postgresql, Sqlite).



BrowserStack is a cloud based Selenium grid we use to run our UI tests. We connect to it directly from Travis CI. Currently we test 4 browsers (Safari, IE, Edge, and Chrome). Firefox is disable for now due to a compatibility issue with the test environment.



Coveralls.io provides access to the PHPUnit test coverage report, and is updated every time code is pushed to Github. It has some cool metrics to track unit test coverage over time, and in general is a nicer UI than the PHPUnit HTML report.



Scrutinizer is a static code analyzer with a lot of great options. It understands our doc-string format and provides additinal information about potential type mismatches, in addition to a number of other static checks. Currently I have it limited to the application framework (all the code under "lib/"). Like the Travis builds and Coveralls reports, a new analysis is run every time we push code to Github.